Ashley Yocum was 26 years old when her body was found inside a vacant house fire. She left behind three kids, her parents, family, and numerous friends. 

On the morning of April 10th, 2019, two detectives came to Marlene's (Ashley's mother) house. They introduced themselves and stated that her daughter's van was parked behind a vacant house that caught on fire.She was informed that the firefighters on scene had recovered a victim. That victim could possibly be her daughter, Ashley. 

Ashley's death investigation was poorly investigated and written off as an accident. This is her story and the case is now being exposed. 


Ashley's body was found in a house fire on April 10, 2019, in Crittenden, KY. The fire had started around 4 a.m and the first 911 call reported around 4:07 a.m.

The house where her body was discovered was supposed to be vacant. However, the town of Crittenden knows it as a local place that drug dealers had occupied. The house sat not even ten feet from the road and across from a store. NUMEROUS complaints by local neighbors were reported about crime related issues at that location. From April 5th to April 9th, there were 4 complaints made to the State Police about a fire on the back porch, people being there with lights on, generators being used, and drug activity. On the same day that the house caught on fire, there was a 911 call made about a male passed out in a red truck.

Ashley's red van was parked in the back driveway. The detectives discovered that the front passenger door was unlocked. They saw her driver's license and other cards scattered on the floorboard. Ashley's mother begged those detectives to fingerprint her van. However, it never was fingerprinted nor was it searched through for possible evidence. Approximately a month later, her brothers decided to stop by the house before attending her funeral service. They realized the van had been vandalized so they walked over to it. They noticed some items were inside. They  contacted the post to ask if they were aware of these things. The detective informed them that since the van was vandalized, those items could not be held accountable. So, why weren't these items in custody already?

A certain individual's belongings were inside her van. Those items were a bible, baby blanket, court related papers, his government issued id, etc. We contacted this guy and asked why his belongings were inside her van. He admits to hanging out with Ashley and having his belongings in there. He admitted he was staying at that house because he had nowhere else to go. According to him, she was giving him a ride and he just had recently met her. He stated that they were hanging out at that house with a few other friends. However, he denies knowing anything about how/who started the fire. He started to freak out and say things like "These guys are after him","they have my place rigged to burn" and " I don't know if you are affiliated with them, and this is a test to see what I say". He made the remark that these guys are evil and they don't care to hurt anyone. However, he denies knowing what happened to her. He reached out to us a few days later wanting to know if we could mail him his belongings. After his ex-wife contacted us, we knew he was more guilty than what he admits. She explained how this guy is a master manipulator and tries to get people to feel sorry for him. She knew he had done something bad because he called her and was freaking out about the fire. Her and their child had been hotel jumping in fear of what might happen.

The night before the fire, Marlene received a text from 859-xxx-xxxx. The message explained Ashley had food poisoning and wouldn't be coming home. She stated that if Ashley wasn't any feeling better the next morning, then she would have her husband follow behind them and bring her home. However, Ashley never made it home. This number was reported to the detectives numerous times.There was no explanation giving to her about the text messages she recieved. Why would this be "overlooked" in a situation like this? Wouldn't it be a reason to investigate who this number belonged to and what happened to Ashley? 

We personally contacted the witness who was on one of the news clips. This lady informed me that she saw a couple guys and a woman beating the hell out of another women in front of the house right before dusk. She stated she knew it wasn't an accident and the fire was set intentionally. She informed me that she noticed her propane tank went missing from the grill in her front yard. After we reported this info to the detective, we later found out she told the detective a different story. She couldn't recall a fight or knowing anything about the fire. I reached out to her to see what time she supposedly called 911 and she was not so friendly. She told me she didn't call anyone and appreciated if I left her alone. She was only contacted twice from us.

The next person we tried to contact was the guy she was last seen with. He was unresponsive so we made contact with his mother. She informed us that her son was aware of the situation and knew the names of the people who set that fire. She also admitted her son was with Ashley Yocum and another girl named Ashley.  Ashley Yocum and her son were together earlier that day to help the other Ashley move. The other Ashley had taken some belongings that belonged to someone else while she was moving. Ashley Yocum was just giving her a ride but she was the one that they blamed. The mother of the last person she was with admitted to knowing this info and was recorded. Supposedly, the other Ashley wanted Ashley Y and the guy she was with to drop those things off so they wouldn't be caught with them while they rode around. After they became aware of what happened to Ashley Yocum, the mother admitted that she helped get rid of those items with her son. She was certain the cops were going to show up and ask questions. Unfortunately, the cops did not show up.

After we made contact with the mother, her son responded. He wasn't as talkative about the situation and denied any involvement. He had shared a video with us that contained footage of him and Ashley riding in her van 2 or 3 days before she died. She was laughing and driving while he was singing and recording. He explained that he had more information about what happened but requested money through Cash-app. He explained that this group of "brothers" was not something to mess with and he won't do it for nothing. That information was never provided to us. Even though this guy left town in fear of his life, he wasn't too hard to locate. He ended up in jail but was never questioned about his knowledge or place in the stolen stuff. Well... at least not until 2 and a half years later when we contacted the Major. Unfortunately, it was not successful. The detective explained that when he interviewed him, he only stated that the stolen stuff wasn't worth any body's life and wasn't providing any kind of useful info. It seems like by him stating that, it gave credit to his mother's explanation about what happened and why.


After we requested all the records pertaining to this case, we noticed something that was never brought to our attention. 

Multiple people have made statements claiming who is responsible for the fire that she died from. The same suspect was mentioned in ALL STATEMENTS!!!!! Not only did we report him, but a couple others also reported him as well . SO, why hasn't this person got questioned about any of this? Why did this case get closed without any follow up on the leads that all pointed to this guy?